Balance is the ability to maintain a controlled body position while performing a task. Balance is required while performing both static activity like sitting still and dynamic activity like moving or when you are in motion. When a child learns age-appropriate balance and coordination it helps them actively participate in sports activities. This involvement in sports helps a child in maintaining self-regulation of their daily tasks as well as it improves their social skills because of their interaction with other students.
The building blocks of balance and coordination are – Concentration & body posture awareness – when focusing attention while performing a task they improve their coordination and understanding body position. Bilateral Integration – using two hands together with hand leading. Hand-eye coordination – eye helps in controlling action & directing hand in performing the task. Sensory processing – processing sensory stimulation. Few other building blocks are – muscular strength & endurance, posture control, etc.
What activities can improve balance and coordination? Unstable surface – any unstable surface will help your child strengthen their trunk and learn to maintain an upright position. Wheelbarrow walking – it is when an adult holds the legs of the child and they walk using their hands. Swimming – body learns resistance against water. maintaining posture in space. Hopscotch – helps a child change movement patterns frequently and rapidly Stepping stones – big jumps help a child learn to balance. Let your child explore, climb and learn the crucial skills of balance and coordination.